Whole House Water Filtration Systems

Whole House Water Filtration Systems

Whole House Filtration System

Whole house water filtration system

Water filters have become increasingly popular in kitchens, offices and even fridge systems around Australia. By getting rid of contaminants in the natural water supply, water filters ensure the cleanest drinking water possible for the whole house, making a great addition to any home.


But why stop at the kitchen tap? After all water is much more than just a drink: from showering, brushing our teeth, washing our hands, cooking, doing the dishes or the laundry, to watering our gardens, this liquid is an essential part of life. Given how many other ways we come into contact with water every day, filtered drinking water is really only a start.

Why install whole house water filtration systems?

Although Australia’s water quality is highly regarded, there is no such thing as naturally pure water. Sydney’s water supply is regularly tested for 70 different impurities – ranging from microorganisms and chemicals to strange taste, odour and colour. But water quality can vary due to rainfall and flooding, Sydney Water’s operations and, occasionally, other incidents, faults or emergencies that crop up.


Water filtration systems for the entire house are the safest bet for purifying your water at the point of entry, rather than the point of use. By eliminating potential contaminants in the main water line of your home, they safeguard the water supply throughout your home rather than just in the kitchen.


Health benefits, financial savings and longer-lasting appliances are just some of the advantages of installing a whole house water filtration system in your home.


Cleaner showers

Many people don’t realise that our mouths aren’t the only consumers of water. When showering, water is absorbed into our bodies through our pores, any damaged skin like scratches or wounds, and the inhalation of steam. This is particularly true for children, who have an increased rate of dermal or skin absorption.


In fact, one study suggested that when it comes to some chemical by-products such as trihalomethanes, the rate we absorb them from inhalation while showering or cooking with water is comparable to when we drink them directly in water!


Less chemicals

Pesticides, herbicides, nitrate, aluminium, lead and other metals are just some of the nasties that may lurk in the water supply.

Lessening our exposure to chemicals is important to consider for not only our drinking water but also for day-to-day chores like washing our clothes, dishes and cutlery. The effects of too many chemical contaminants can be seen in stained clothes, for instance, as well as soap scum remaining on dishes after you’ve washed up.


By filtering out the chemicals, a whole house water filtration system won’t just improve the safety and quality of your home’s water supply, but also the air quality in your home.


Better for your appliances – and wallet

The ‘hard water’ caused by a high concentration of minerals like magnesium and calcium can lead to a build-of up deposit in your pipes, shower heads, water heaters and other appliances. This can cause scales to form in your toilet, shower or bathtub, as well as stained water fixtures in your bathroom or kitchen.


Having cleaner water in your household’s pipes and appliances leads to a cleaner house overall. It can also give your appliances an extended life. Increasing the lifespan of your water fixtures, appliances, and even clothes, dishes and other commonly washed items is a win for your wallet as well as your household’s health.

Good for the environment

By providing an estimated 3,000 litres of water per year, the average water filter dramatically reduces the need for plastic bottles of water, which are a scourge for our environment, clogging dumping grounds and oceans alike.

Understanding the Importance of Water Filtration

Water is an essential component for health and life. Be it for cooking, drinking or cleaning, accessing safe and clean water is essential. Unfortunately the water supply in a lot of regions of Australia is contaminated by impurities such as sediments, microorganisms and chemicals. Whole-house filtering systems are made to eliminate these pollutants, providing families with cleaner and safe water.

Factors Influencing the Cost

Quality of water and contaminants 

The water quality as well as the particular contaminants present will greatly affect the price of a complete home water filter. The greater the amount of filtration needed is, the more expensive. Areas with higher levels of pollution or specific contaminants might require specific filtration methods which could increase the price.

Filter Capacity and Efficiency

The capacity of the filter and efficiency are the most important aspects that affect the cost of the filter. Filters that have larger capacities as well as higher flows are able to take on more water, and need less replacement; however, they are typically more expensive to purchase upfront.

Filtration Technology

There’s a variety of water filtration techniques available each with its own pros and costs. The most common types are activated carbon, reverse-osmosis UV disinfection and sediment filter. The type of filtration technique you select will play a major role in determining the total expense of the process.


Complexity of Installation

The difficulty of installing a house-wide water filter can affect the price. Certain filtration systems require expert installation whereas others are designed for simple DIY installations. Employing a professional could be a cost, but will ensure that the system is installed correctly and is operating properly.

Manufacturer and Brand

Reputable manufacturers and brands usually have a higher price for their reputation as well as their reliability and warranties. However, choosing a trusted brand can give assurance of performance and quality.

Average Cost Breakdown

As of 2021, average cost for a complete household water filtering system in Australia was between $1,500 and $5,000. Be aware that these figures are only estimates and the actual cost could differ based on the factors mentioned above.

Basic Sediment Filter 

A basic whole-house water purifier with a filtration system for sediments could cost between $1,500 and $2,500. This kind of filter is efficient in getting rid of bigger particles and sediments, but might not be able to tackle other contaminants.

The Activated Carbon Filter

An activated carbon whole-house water filter, which offers greater filtering by removing chemicals, chlorine and bad odours. Typically, it costs between $2,500 to $4,000.

Reverse Osmosis 

Filter for those looking for the most complete filtering system, a full-house reverse osmosis system could be the best choice. They can remove nearly all minerals and contaminants however, they carry an increased price tag which ranges from $3500 to $5,000.

Additional Costs and Considerations

Maintenance: Aside from the initial expense, homeowners need to be aware of the ongoing maintenance costs. Filters require periodic replacements and the frequency of replacing them will be contingent on the type of filter used and the water quality. It is crucial to take into account the costs of replacement to ensure ongoing effectiveness of the system.


Guarantee and Support for Customers: If you are buying a whole-house water filter make sure you choose a product that has an affordable warranty and dependable customer service. These factors add to the overall satisfaction and value of your purchase.


Benefits of Investing in a Whole House Water Filter

Improvement in Water Quality 

If you want better health and well being for your family,  installing a household water filter is an important task. Water filter will provide safe, clean, and delicious water for all household needs.

Extended Lifespan of Appliances 

Filtered water prevents the buildup of mineral deposits and scale in appliances such as dishwashers, water heaters as well as washing machines, possibly prolonging their life and cutting down on the cost of maintenance.

Environmental Impact

By removing the contaminant from your water from the source, you will drastically reduce the use of plastic bottles that are only used once and positively impact the environment.


A complete house water filter eliminates the need for separate filters on showers and faucets which provides peace of mind and ease of use throughout your home.

Upgrading to a whole house water filtration system has further environmental benefits for your property and its surroundings. By protecting your household from too many chemicals, impurities and the risk of runoff in your local water, you can help keep your garden – along with any surrounding areas your yard may be connected to – safe and healthy.

If you’re going to install the complete filtering system for water, be sure that you explore the available options. Choose one compatible with the specific requirements for water quality and budget. Make sure you prioritise quality ,efficiency, and long-term cost-effectiveness so that you can get the most out of the investment you make in a complete home water filtering system.

If you have any questions about having whole house water filtration installed in your home, get in touch with the team at Tai Irwin Plumbing & Draining today.

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